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8 Courses

Market Access
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Market Access

Introduction to Market Access

•Evolution of Market access functions in developed countries (why we need Market Access dept.)
•Evolution of Market access functions in developed countries (why we need Market Access dept.)
•Level of knowledge needed for MAx team member.
•External stakeholders MAx team is dealing with.
•What are the programs that MAx team can engage with payers in.
•What payers look for when dealing with different companies in the Egyptian market.

 Healthcare structure orientation

•What is the classification of HCS globally.
•What is the structure of the desired market HCS.
•Gaps in the market HCS.
•Why payors needs more efficiency in budgets
•Role of modern economic evaluation tools in enhancing HCS.
•Evolution of Health Technology in the developed countries.
•Reform plan that companies can help the payors in.

Health Economics (HE) Introduction
•What is Health Economics and what are the different perspectives used.
•How is treatment cost calculated and differs from medication price.
•How is treatments valuated from HE perspective and how is the Egyptian MOH use HE in valuating treatments.
•What is the different applications of HE.
•What is the most common models used by the Egyptian MOH.
•What are the flow and process of HE inside the Egyptian MOH.
•Case study to a Budget impact analysis and cost effectiveness models presented to the Egyptian MOH.

Market Access Applications

•What is the types of research MAx team should be able to read and use
•What are the different types of studies used in economic evaluations.
•How to read a HE paper and use it with payers.
•How payers and MOH do critical appraisal to the executed HE models.

•What payers look for in meetings with pharma companies.
•How to do simple economic evaluation.


Applied Health Economics
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Applied Health Economics

Global Dilemma and Evolution of Health Economics

Different Type of cost and outcome In Health Economics evaluation

•Types of cost in economic evaluation, time preference, and inflation
•Type of outcomes in Health Economics 
•Identifying cost estimates for economic evaluation

Types of Health Economics Studies

•Cost Effectiveness Analysis
•Cost Utility Analysis
•Cost of Illness
•Budget Impact Model

What is beyond Health Economics

•Decision making in healthcare
•Value assessment framework
•Value in healthcare
•Multi Criteria Decision analysis
•Innovative contracting

Multi Criteria Decision Analysis


Health Policy and HC Market Structure
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Health Policy and HC Market Structure

  • Healthcare System Structure
  • The Role of Each Entity in the Current Healthcare System
  • Decision Making in Healthcare Sectors
  • Access Reach Integrated Framework
  • Health Technology Assessment &  Applications
  • Healthcare System Reform


Real World Evidence
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Real World Evidence

  • Introduction to information generation
  • Source of real-world data
  • Role of RWE in Launching new medications
  • Difference between Randomized Controlled Trials and RWEs.
  • Building of RWE strategy and tactics
  • Types of RWE studies


Enrolment on payment
Pharmaco - Epidemiology
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Pharmaco - Epidemiology

Module 1:

•General Introduction
•Epidemiology and Evidence Based Medicine
•Measurement in Pharmaceutical Outcomes and Policy Research
•Advanced Pharmacoepidemiology

Module 2:

•Principles of Pharmacovigilance
•Global Pharmacovigilance and Safety Standards
•Pharmacovigilance Regulations and Guidelines


Data Informatics and Insights Generation
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Data Informatics and Insights Generation

Basics of Research

•Types of research: Intervention and Non Interventional
•Pharmacoepidemiology study types
•When to use each type of research through product life cycle
•Sampling and study design
•What is meant by significant data (Confidence level and  Confidence Interval)
•Why Outcome Research is growing all around the world
•Launch plan for pharmaceutical products from research perspective
•Assignment to design your own research study

Informatics and transforming insights

•Turning data into Intelligence
•Choosing the right Methodology based on research objectives
•How sample size is calculated
•PRP (Product Research Plan) research through out product lifecycle
•Utilizing Secondary data
•How Epi is used in research
•Basic concepts of health economics

Importance of Informatics

•Types of research and data
•Methods of efficiently collecting data primary and secondary
•How to build databanks inside the premises
•Ways of conducting analysis maps for information and data

Sampling and Significance of data

•Sampling techniques
•Calculating confidence interval of results
•What are the websites that can help in checking significance
•Workshop to calculate significance of research papers

•Search for strong relevant literature
•Do sampling
•Create data collection and registry forms
•Write analysis plan
•Report reading and recommendation building

Literature Review and Critical Appraisal
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Literature Review and Critical Appraisal

  • Overview of Systematic Literature Review
  • Search strategies and databases 
  • Critical appraisal of research articles
  • Meta-analysis and synthesis of data
  • Reporting and dissemination of review findings


Medical Writing and Publishing
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Medical Writing and Publishing

  • Principles of Medical Writing
  • Scientific Writing and Manuscript Preparation
  • Journal Selection and Submission
  • Peer Review Process and Manuscript Revisions
  • Ethical Considerations in Scientific Publishing
